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ZoneMinder Upgrade Process Questions

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 11:33 am
by Blazer
I just got the new build of ZM (1.21.2), and will be upgrading from 1.21.1. In the readme file it says:
from version 1.19.5 you can use the script to do all the updating for you, this will include all the database changes plus any other tweaks necessary to upgrade to the latest version. To use it you should type –version=<previous version> [--user=<db user> --pass=<db password>]

where ‘previous version’ relates to the version of ZM you are upgrading from, 1.19.4 for example. All updates from that versions onwards will be applied
However, when I go to the zm-1.21.2/scripts directory, the has a .z extension (Usually this means gzipped but its actually not in this case).
rwxrwxr-x 1 zm zm 12696 Jun 23 01:39

Is this because I have not run ./configure yet?
Can I copy the "" from my 1.21.1 install so I don't have to answer all the configuration questions again (and just run -noi)?
What happens if you install a newer version from RPM, will your old settings be reset to default?

It may be a good idea to have ZM store its configuration somewhere, and then have a "make upgrade" option that basically just compiles and installs the new binaries, and performs any database upgrades. I see there is a /usr/local/etc/zm.conf which contains some information like the db username and password...perhaps it could contain all of the configuration items, and the update script could get the values from there.

Note that I had no problem figuring out how to upgrade, I'm just trying to look from the perspective of someone who does not have a lot of experience with this sort of thing. I would suggest adding an "Upgrading" section to the readme, or a seperate README-upgrade.txt/html to make it easier for people to apply Zm updates.

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 12:00 pm
by Blazer
Also I note that if I follow the update directions:
use the script to do all the updating for you, this will include all the database changes plus any other tweaks necessary to upgrade to the latest version. To use it you should type –version=<previous version> [--user=<db user> --pass=<db password>]

where ‘previous version’ relates to the version of ZM you are upgrading from, 1.19.4 for example. All updates from that versions onwards will be applied
When I actually performed this step:

Code: Select all

# perl --version=1.21.1 --user=zm --pass=mypass
Update agent starting at 05/06/23 05:07:07
Database successfully upgraded to version ]'1.21.1'

Update agent exiting at 05/06/23 05:07:07
Note that it says it upgraded "to version 1.21.1" either it didn't really upgrade, or the version output number is incorrect. My ZoneMinder console still says its "1.21.1"

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 1:40 pm
by zoneminder
You still need to run as usual when building the new files. This will create the correct versions of zmupdate, as well as all the other scripts.

I agree that this could be clearer and I will add an Upgrading section to the docs for the next release.


Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 10:33 pm
by Blazer
okay I followed the same process for a new installation, and Im still showing as version 1.2.1. I think I will just drop the database and delete the zm install and start fresh.

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 7:00 am
by SifuDean
This is the same problem I faced the other day and didn't get to ask.

I had thought it was me and something I had missed, but as you wrote Blazer, that is exactly what confused me.

I decided to come back to it later when I could think straight and now I will comeback to it with the documentation when it is released.

