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zminit failure on new install

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 8:33 pm
by BKahler
I'm in the process of trying to install ZM on a fresh FC3 box. I've been away from Linux for 5+ years and a lot has changed, especially in the graphical environment. Needless to say I'm currently stumpted as to what to do about the following problem.

I have mysql-4.1.11-1 and the devel packages installed. when I try to run zminit I get the errors listed below. From what I have been able to figure out on my own, I currently have installed and not .so.10 as ZM seems to want. Is this where my problem is? If so how do I get the correct version?

[root@rimmer zm]# /usr/lib/zm/bin/zminit
Enter MySQL Administrator username: root
Enter password:
Loading config from '/usr/lib/zm/init/zmconfig.txt'
Loading config from '/etc/zm.conf'
Loading config from DB
install_driver(mysql) failed: Can't load '/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.3/i386-linux-thread-multi/a uto/DBD/mysql/' for module DBD::mysql: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi/ line 230.
at (eval 1) line 3
Compilation failed in require at (eval 1) line 3.
Perhaps a required shared library or dll isn't installed where expected
at /usr/lib/zm/init/zmoptions line 1524

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


zminit failure on new install - fixed, now another problem

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 12:08 am
by BKahler
I think I fixed the first problem by installing the perl-DBD-MySQL package.

Now I found the following error in the zmpkg.log file.

"/usr/lib/zm/bin/zmfix: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"

It would appear that my problem is I have installed and not

So how do I get around that problem?



Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 2:24 am
by cordel
The ZM packages were built on the default packages included with FC3. You may want to search for the packages built by Oskin as he builds his with version 4 mysql. If you are installing on FC4 an RPM for that will be up shortly. The alternative would be build from the source code.


Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 3:05 am
by BKahler
Got ZM to run tonight. I ended up removing all of the mysql packages and zm. Used the --nodeps flag and then reinstalled mysql, mysql-server, mysql-devel and mysql-bench. I left all the other packages like ffmpeg installed.

I think my whole problem started when I tried to use a newer version of mysql to start off instead of those that came with FC3. Even after uninstalling the later versions I think there was still config files, etc left behind. So I went through each directory on the computer and deleted anything that had to do with mysql or zm. Then I reinstalled mysql and zm. Followed the directions in the ZM readme file for installing from RPMs and found a few things in there that I missed or didn't understand the first time around.

Now that its running I'm going to try and install 3 cameras on the Picolo Pro 2 card that I have installed. Keeping my fingers crossed!



Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 6:35 am
by cordel
Glad you got it going. Please let me know what I might be able to add to the readme that might help make it easier to understand. I'd really like to know where you got hung up.

zminit failure on new install - final analysis

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 12:27 pm
by BKahler

Its been five years since I touched a Linux box so I've had a lot of catching up to do.

I'd have to say I performed a series of mistakes and made some wrong assumptions. First of all I was under the impression that having a later version of an RPM package was acceptable. I didn't realize that some programs were tied to specific revisions, bad assumption on my part. I think one of the mistakes I made was to try and install ZM without having all the prerequisite packages installed, especially mysql. Installing a later version of mysql I believe was the single biggest mistake. When I installed it everything looked good but it wouldn't interface with ZM properly and the password aspect became an issue. There is apparently a major difference between mysql-client-so.14 vs. mysql-client-so.10. I got hung up messing with that aspect for quite some time. When I finally realized that I needed an earlier version of mysql it took me a while to figure out that I needed to use the --nodeps flag. I think the next problem was I didn't uninstall ZM the first go round before reinstalling the earlier version of mysql.

My final resolution was to uninstall all mysql packages and ZM. I then went and searched out all directories and files for mysql and ZM and deleted them. I then reinstalled mysql, mysql-devel, mysql-server and mysql-bench (don't think I need this one though). After that I installed ZM. I then walked my way through your readme file for installing from rpms. The one thing that threw me on the first go round was the statement in the readme file that said to ignore the password in mysql. I had all kinds of error messages the first go round dealing with passwords and mysql.

I think the biggest help you could put in the readme file for installing from rpms is the packages that are required to be installed with ZM and the order (if any) that they should be installed in. You may already have that somewhere on your website or in some doc somewhere but I didn't run across anything. For me it was a trial and error game of trying to figure out what packages were required and what versions are needed and in what order they should be installed.

In your readme file for version 1.21.2 page 11 you have a section for Mandrake: (2nd one) that talks about using your favourite editor and add in the user name and password you want Zone Minder to use. I ignored this section the first time around because it looked like it was referring to Mandrake only. Upon closer reading I decided to follow that step and changed the user name and password. From this point on the second install went flawlessly.

Bottom line is I think if I had known the following I would have succeeded the first time.

1) What packages were needed for ZM to install. There were a lot of Perl and PHP packages needed as well as ffmpeg needed a lot of additional packages. Some I had to go find on the internet and others were part of FC3 that didn't get installed initially. The latter mostly because I didn't know what was going to be needed later for ZM.

2) What order to install packages. I believe that ZM should be the last package to install but not knowing all the dependencies it was a hit and miss game.

3) Version dependencies. Thinking later versions were ok was a big mistake. Took me a while to get past that one!

4) Knowing that I should change the ZM username and password.

5) SELinux. I don't know if this was an issue but I had it enabled the first go round and ended up disabling it completely as part of my final attempt. I'm going to re-newable it and see if everything still works.

I did do a lot of searching through the forums, especially later on when I was really struggling. Results from the searching were mixed. I finally got so frustrated I just decided to wipe things clean and start over with what I had learned.

Now that I have ZM running (no cameras installed yet, that's next!) I'm very impressed with the user interface you've created. I poked around a little last night and like what I see. Now to install the first camera.........!
