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...zms doesn't want to start

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 11:05 am
by dadwarf
I have checked all the logs without seeing any errors (syslog, messages, zmwatch.log ...), my webcam works well (i try "zmu -d0 -q -v" and xawtv), all zm daemons are running (zmc,,,, but Zone Minder Console stays "stopped" when i try to start it...

what i'm doing wrong ? :(

(i'm on Slackware 10.1 with a usb webcam)

Help !

I found after all one error in zmdc.log :

Code: Select all

'zmc -d 1' crashed at 05/06/30 15:43:26, exit status 255
is it a clue ?

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 2:40 pm
by lazyleopard
Depending on the settings of your syslog daemon the appropriate error messages may go into other files than syslog or messages, so check to see which files in /var/log/ have been modified recently.

If you're still not getting any messages then the next thing to check is permissions. Which user:group is running which zm* process, who owns the zm* log files and log directory, etc..

It might also be worth checking the web server's logs...