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Netcomm NS4000 IP Camera (working well with ZM)

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 6:46 am
by Speegs

The NS4000 IP Camera I have working with ZoneAlarm, not a bad camera crisp image compared to my other cheap camera.

Image Source 320x240:


Image Source 640x480:


Nice camera, a bit on the pricey side, lucky I found mine on ebay for $150, rather than the new price.



Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 5:15 am
by KegRaider
Hmm, I have the NS4000 and the NS4100, both refuse to give me any sort of stream. I can log on to the camera's IP address, but I cannot get the info into ZoneMinder (downloaded the LiveCD and Installed the lazy way). I'm gonna keep trying though, but i was wondering if there is something i am missing.

Name Function Source Events Hour Day Week Month Archive Zones Mark
Rear Record 0 0 0 0 0 0

Weird, any help would be appreciated, then I'll work on the NS4100.


UPDATE: - OK, the NS4100 works a treat! great program BTW! I worked out the problem with the NS4000, it was just me :)