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Compliments for Philip

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2003 4:04 pm
by enricopallatzo

Just wanted you to know that ZomeMinder is impressing people left, right and centre here at the University of Calgary. I recently deployed it in a secure computing facility here; yesterday we had an alarm go off in the lab, campus security came, and in no time I was able to bring up and show them what had occured. Sure, it was just a wonky door alarm (not ZoneMinder's fault!), but we were able to see what caused it, and it blew their minds! I then gave them the tour of the app, and they were fired up about it - and want to bring the director of security by to see about using it campus-wide.

Congratulations on an amazing product. I'll let you know if anything becomes of this!


Re: Compliments for Philip

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 10:55 am
by zoneminder
Hi Erik,

Thanks for the positive comments!

