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Worked like a charm!

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 3:35 pm
by Dirky
A year or so ago I tried zoneminder on Redhat 9 or something, cant be too sure. Suffice to say I was impressed! I ended up having to scrap the box for one reason or another and did not get round to replacing it.

Recently I wanted to try zm again, I'd heard good things about CentOS,
I wanted to use the box for one or two other projects to begins with anyway.

to cut a long story short I did not have much success getting my capture card, bt878 working in CentOS 4.1

so, I thought I'd have a dabble with Debian, hmm even worse, altough
apt-get is nice (mind you so is Yum in centos) it was still a case of finding all the right bits to get zm working.

Right, enough is enough, I downloaded the LiveCD, within about 30 mins I was up and running, excellent! Well done and thank you to all concerned.
All I need now is my new capture card and camera and I should be in business.
