Keep populating so many events about 32000 in 5 hours

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Keep populating so many events about 32000 in 5 hours

Post by zmpenguin »

I have identical 4 cameras (DCS-5300G) using 1.21.0 Live CD

Only one camera creating so many events. After I stop recording and cleared all the events and restarted recording but problem continous.

All the settings for each cameras is equal.

Other cameras only populated 50 events while this crazy one populates 32k events.

Any possible reason?

Anyway thanks for great software we are sharing.
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Post by cordel »

Any idea on what is triggering the events?
You might need to change the zone to reduce the events.
The other cause could be interferance in the video, check that your connections are good.
Other than that we would need alot more detail on your setup and maybe a sample picture.
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Okay these are the parameters for DCS-5300G

Post by zmpenguin »

Connected wirelessly

Name: XXX
Function: Record
Section length: 600
Frame Skip: 0
Run Mode: Continous
Tirggers: None available
Source Type: Remote

Image Buffer Size: 40
Warmup Frames: 25
Pre Event Image Buffer: 10
Alarm Frame Count: 1

Maximum FPS 8.00
FPS Report Interval 1000
Reference Image Blen %ge: 10

Basically this camera is not triggered by event.

It just suppose to record continously by making 1 event per 10min but now each event has only 12 to 13 frames and keep populating.

One more thing is frame rate is very unstable on this camera. I don't know why some times 20fps, 10fps, 5 fps, it fluctuates greately even though I limit max fps to 8

Rest of other cameras are working fine.

I have No idea.

Furthermore do you know how to upload picture here.

Then I can show you sample picture.
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Post by cordel »

Check your zmdc.log and see if the capture damen for that camera is crashing. Also look in the logs to see if you are reciving corrupt images and such. You might also try pinging the camera and make sure that you have a good link on the wireless network.
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Post by sgtdawg »

I had this same problem with a DCS-900. After I unplugged the camera it seemed to work again, after plugging it back in of course.