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Zoneminder/CTU core CD distro

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 4:18 pm
by sgtdawg
Cordel has created a zoneminder distro based on his CTU core. It is basically an easy way to install a fedora core 3 based install with all the required packages on a system. This is not a LiveCD, but a single CD install.

I have tried this and can get a system fully running in less then an hour thanks to the correct packages being included during install.

For anyone interested in this I have created a torrent from the ISO that cordel provided. To download a torrent all you need to do is install a torrent client and open the torrent file from the site provided.

As I am posting this there are 3 seeders, which means the download speed should be at least 50k. If you can seed it after downloading it would increase download speed and availability for anyone else.

I have created the torrent and uploaded it to LinuxTracker:

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 4:52 pm
by jameswilson
i am one of the seeders.
Thanks for this. I saw it and thought i would take a look. You say its not a live cd. I assume its an install disk for fc3 with all packeges needed already there. Once the thing is installed and booted then what do you do (i havnt tried yet) is zm pre configured is does it need all that ./configure business?


Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 7:46 pm
by cordel
ZoneMinder CTU Core is a Distro based on Fedora that has been slimed down to a single CD. I maintain a yum repository update server for this distro so that you can always have the latest zm package after it has gone through testing.

Once installed all you need to do is :
To get the latest zm: yum update
chkconfig --levels 345 httpd on
chkconfig --levels 345 mysqld on
service mysqld start
service httpd start
vi /etc/zm.conf (So you can add the username and password you want for the database)
/usr/lib/zm/bin/zminit (To create and populate the database, default user->root and leave the password blank)
service zm start

Then Create your monitors.

For zm packages after 1.21.4-1.4 all you have to do is run zminit ( /usr/lib/zm/bin/zminit ) it will ask for the user name and password you want zm to use for the database and then ask for the administrative user and password (same as above user=root and leave the password blank) and it will take care of the rest.

You can also set the yum service to run and it will check for updates nightly and update automaticaly when I post a new release.

PS thanks sgtdawg for setting that up.

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 9:16 pm
by jameswilson
do those entries make it autostart on powerup? From what i gather then i load cd, install cd, enter 5 lines of config and i have a fully working zm box?

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 10:10 pm
by cordel
You insert the CD.
Chose from the anaconda installer what you want (just checking server gives you a headless install or workstation installed X and Gnome)
once installed the above commands:
1) set apache and mysql to start on bootup.
2) start the apache and mysql services.
3) Configure zm's user and password to use with the database.
4) Load the configuration into the database.
5) Start ZM

That's it.
I have been meaning to make this a bit more automated and make a scrript that will ask for the zm user and password for the database and start the services for you as well as add to the zm start script checking for apache and more important mysql is running and start them if they are not. Just haven't gotten around to it yet. This CD has been ready since late last year but since I don't have the bandwidth to support everyone hasn't been post or easily available to anyone. Now that it's public I'll confer with Phil and Oskin on what should and needs to happen to this CD. I'll also start the work on making the FC4 version as well. I'm also open to artwork for the CD so if someone is interested in creating some images for splash screens and the like let me know.

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 10:12 pm
by jameswilson
sounds good. I also assume that we can update the kernal on this? thus giving me access to my new cards!!??

Cheers James

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 10:19 pm
by cordel
It has the latest kernel as of last month. It is fedora core 3 based so any FC3 packages can be used. Just keep in mind if you update that php4.4 breaks things in ZM for the moment.
The default Fedora yum configs are still there but disabled and the yum configs for my server are included and enabled. You can go in and set this how you wish. I personaly have mine set just as I have them installed from the CD and enable the Fedora repo's on the command line as detailed in my yum how-to in the contribs topic here on the forum. This way there is a bit more control over what gets updated when I do a yum update.

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 10:36 pm
by jameswilson
Great. I will order a bit more hardware and have a play with this one. Unfortunatly now my Mandrake live cd is also my ftp server so i cant kill it lol (however did i manage without ftp before zm)

Cheers Cordel

BTW hows the job situation mate

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 11:12 pm
by cordel
Somewhat grim I think :(
I have found alot of jobs that would use linux/unix but none that would drive me hard in my learning. I'm thinking that maybe I should start looking into project management and see if I can find something that will allow me to get my hands dirty. Aleast something that will get me in deep in linux and bring home enough to eat :wink:
I'm wrapping up my current job duties and this will be my last week getting any real hours so now the pressure is on.
You'll love this, To make a challenging situation the Transfer case in my 97 jeep cherokee imploded :cry: So I'm going to be working on that as soon as I can find a replacement case. The new ones are a bit much for me at this date and time.
Other than that I'm working on a wraper for ZM and Pluto and going to try to bring zm into the pluto project. I have been playing around with pluto and use it some around the house mostly for the asterisk pbx.

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 11:42 pm
by jameswilson
sorry to hear that mate.

I beleive asterix is a pbx isnt it

Good luck to ya mate

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 12:40 am
by cordel
Pluto is a open source home automation project. It has several componets based around a core server. It's really beyond my spending ability as the core should be a 1tare or larger raid server. I'm running it on 300GB scsi sca raid 5 at the moment. More than I need since I'm not riping my DVD's to it and the only media on it is my ripped MP3's. I'm looking at getting a Squeeze box for it as soon as the job thing improves and building another client.
Asterisk is wraped into it to provide VoIP and yes it's a open source software PBX.

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 12:50 am
by jameswilson
pluto mmmm sounds interesting i will look
i did a bit of research a couple of years ago about software pbx's and i spent works money on a swyx (windows im afraid) wish i had stuck with it now cos things are lookin up


**edit only thing i can google for is pluto (the place you wouldnt want to vist) cant find a linux pluto

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 9:27 am
by RedFlyer
Hi Corey,

Just a simple question, in the package selection of your CTU install CD we have ZM SERVER, already selected. But concerning X environnement, web server and mysql server nothing is selected. I presume we need to select them, this is not added in the 'ZM SERVER' package.


cordel wrote:You insert the CD.
Chose from the anaconda installer what you want (just checking server gives you a headless install or workstation installed X and Gnome)
once installed the above commands:
1) set apache and mysql to start on bootup.
2) start the apache and mysql services.
3) Configure zm's user and password to use with the database.
4) Load the configuration into the database.
5) Start ZM

That's it.
I have been meaning to make this a bit more automated and make a scrript that will ask for the zm user and password for the database and start the services for you as well as add to the zm start script checking for apache and more important mysql is running and start them if they are not. Just haven't gotten around to it yet. This CD has been ready since late last year but since I don't have the bandwidth to support everyone hasn't been post or easily available to anyone. Now that it's public I'll confer with Phil and Oskin on what should and needs to happen to this CD. I'll also start the work on making the FC4 version as well. I'm also open to artwork for the CD so if someone is interested in creating some images for splash screens and the like let me know.
Colorado Dispensaries

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 6:21 pm
by cordel
You sould not need to unless there are other packages you want. the installer knows what is needed to do a base headless install of ZM. The only option that will not install zm is minimum.

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 10:16 pm
by jameswilson
I have installed this cd and all went well. I have followed your instructions and all is well until i zminit. It asks me for my mysql administrator user name. I have tried root my login name etc. It fails. I assume i have to enter these passwords somewhere but where??