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db-table-parameter or conf file for include debug level..

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 10:34 pm
by chaapaï
hello all!

I use zm on SME6 and SME7(base centos4.1) without graphical interface, there is no gcc .., and no devtools to rebuild directly rpms.
so i making ZM rpms for sme7 but i have a little prbs:
It is possible to include, in the next version, mysql base or a another .conf file (ex ZMParam.conf ) the debug level and other parameters)?
This is for change some parameters without rebuild rpms or source

Thanks you !

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 3:49 pm
by zoneminder
Debug level is just environment so you don't need to rebuild to change that anyway. What other parameters were you thinking of?


Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 10:04 pm
by chaapaï
Hello All !

1° For dbglevel:
if you search in forum there are lots of questions for changing the debug level.
For users who don't know all command for change this level (like USR signal,...). it's very hard.
I propose to simplify the problem with a .ini, .conf file or dbtable for include dbglevel.

users will change the defautlevel in file or by the a web interface.

For example: server with webmin, without SSH, and no acces to keyboard and screen.(a server in a secure room.)
without ssh you can't access to the command line (oucht!!), but you can access to some files with read/write (.conf and .ini files of all process (php, httpd, /var/log/...) with webmin.

2° when i make a beautifull rpm, i do a configure with : --with-webdir=/var/www/html --with-cgidir=/var/www/cgi-bin --with-webuser=apache --with-webgroup=apache. all is all right :)
but :
a user want to change the directory must rebuild rpm with his parameters like --webdir/var/www/myprivatesite/html --with-cgidir=/var/www/myprivatesite/cgi-bin
because user have, différent distro linux,or want a secure site and disable link with ln -s in web directory...,
the same things with user/group securewww. :(

php or other prg are rpms but if you want to change some variables you change only .ini (php.ini) and restart without rebuild rpm
in php.ini
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE
display_errors = Off
display_startup_errors = Off
log_errors = On
error_log = syslog
For example /etc/Zm.ini (or dbtable) ZM.ini is only for binary ..
#defaut debug level
DBGLevel = -2
#paths storage

and /etc/zm/zm.conf (web user don't have access to /etc/, but only /etc/ZM/ (chown /etc/zm) with phpbasedir= /etc/ZM/ not ( /etc or ./)
Zm.conf is only for db access.

I think .ini is better than DBtable for compiling and for secure process.

It's a open proposition, i'm not sure it's a good solution..
I put only DBGlevel webdir cgidir, but specifics ZM paramaters can be add...
What do you think about this? :?:

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 11:15 am
by zoneminder
I agree about the debug level. I am looking to make that easier to specify from the gui.

The paths I will also look at to see if they can be abstracted out and into the .conf file easily.


Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 12:00 am
by chaapaï
hello all!
ok, thank you
you're doing a splendid job...I love it.