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No events/images being generated

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 4:56 pm
by wasabi
For whatever reason I am not having events or imegages being generated as I suspect I should.

I have the camera set up properly, zmc is eatting CPU, so it looks like it's working, but no events or images are showing up... and I can't see anything in the browser.

Not sure what I'm missing.

Logs show nothing happening.

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 6:59 pm
by jameswilson
sounds like zm cant get any images for whatever reason.
I would start by tring to get live images first. If you cant see live images then zm cant record anthing.
What cameras you using what capture card etc.
Try using tv time or xawtv to check that your hardware is functioning and can work with linux


Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 7:09 pm
by wasabi
IP cam.

I can successfully retrieeve images from the camera using wget. user:password@ip, /video.cgi, etc.

The settings look correct. The events folders are being created, just nothing is being put into them.

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 9:24 pm
by zoneminder
There should be something in your log files, to show the processes are running. Do you really see nothing? The main ones to check /var/log/messages and /tmp/zmdc.log (or wherever you have put it).
