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USB Camera & ZM 1.21.3

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 5:55 pm
by clinct
I see a few posts regarding issues with USB camera's, has anyone been successful in setting up ZM 1.21.3 with a USB camera? I have the CTU distro and tried possibly every setup imaginable with no success. also tried another hardware platform for the heck of it. Running Quickcam 3000 Pro and cannot get an image displayed, only all grey or black. I can attach the logs, but figured I would ask before digging deeper.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 7:27 pm
by Blazer
I have a Quickcam Pro 4000 setup and working. The main issues are with the pwc driver itself, but if you are at least getting a greyscale image then you should be good to go, just try changing your settings (in the "Source" tab) to:

Device Format: 0 (PAL)
Capture Palette: YUV420P
Capture Width: 320
Captuer Height: 240

These are the ONLY settings that got me a normal color picture with a QuickCam Pro 4000, the others only gave me greyscale or a black screen such as you described.

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 2:41 am
by cordel
The CTU-ZM Distro only uses the default FC kernel. You might have to install the Groups for development through yum ( yum --enablerepo=base --enablerepo=updates-released groupinstall Development Tools ) by enabling the Fedora mirrors and build the PWC drivers. I'm not familuar with using them so I can't be much help there. I have just had a big job land in my lap so time is now some what limited. If someone is really good at taking notes of everything they have done to make the drivers work in FC I could probably make a a package for the kernel modules to replace the default pwc drivers.

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 7:34 pm
by Blazer
On FC3 I had to build the custom pwc driver, but it seems to be fixed in FC4, as it worked without any tinkering, so I wonder if you could just take the pwc.ko module from FC4 and use it.

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 9:31 pm
by cordel
FC4 now comes with a newer kernel than FC3 did originaly. The Kernel on the CD was updated to a couple months back. It is possible that if you update the kernel to a current release you may find the the web cam will work. Heres how to do update CTU-Core:
Beware that I disabled (not removed) the default yum repos for Fedora to avoid things getting broken. Al the functionality is still there.

yum --enablerepo=updates-released update kernel

Yes I know that it says update but yum is smart and knows not to update but just install. You will see that it will tell you that it's set to install and not update when it asks if you want to proceed.

You can also install anything else you want that normaly comes with the FC3 distro by enableing it's repos (--enablerepo=base --enablerepo=update-released )


Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 8:04 pm
by vbludov
I have One of those USB cams, not the PRO version... and it works fine with ZM
using Mandrake 10, no drivers needed
the only thing is that the only resolution it works with is 320x240