zms duration or number of frames limit

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zms duration or number of frames limit

Post by rdmelin »

Hi Phil,
The axis net cam api has a parameter that allows you to limit the duration the server will push jpegs or the number of frames. This is useful if you want to prevent abuse by someone or lots of someones leaving their browser open watching a stream. Could zms do this in monitor mode so that someone would need to refresh the view manually to restart the stream.

Sort of like the behavior that we all complained about until nph-zms fixed it. :)
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Post by zoneminder »

There is a ttl parameter which can be passed into zms when streaming monitors. This gives a time-to-live (in seconds if I recall) after which zms will drop out. This should do what you are asking, but obviously there is currently no mechanism for defining or applying this. In fact it's only used in the cycle view to ensure that the zms processes don't live any longer than the time until the next monitor is viewed.

I've added it to my feature list and will try and get it in as a user parameter so low level users can only view for defined periods at a time. I am planning a release this week and will try and get something in there. I just need to stop adding stuff and just ppolish and document what's already in there. There is no nice warning or anything though when time expire, the pictures just stop, which might not be optimal.

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Post by rdmelin »

There is a ttl parameter which can be passed into zms when streaming monitors. This gives a time-to-live (in seconds if I recall) after which zms will drop out.
This sounds like what I need for now. I'll give it a try.

Thanks Phil,

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