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Fog or Mist!

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 7:17 am
by ld999

Thought I had my settings for my zone sorted, but the UK has been hit this week with a lot of fog, which to my camera I thought it was snow.

ZM was going mad constantly alarming, I had hundreds of events so I had to stop the service.

My settings for the zone are:

Type Active
Alarm Check Method Blobs
Minimum Pixel Threshold (0-255) 25
Maximum Pixel Threshold (0-255) 0
Minimum Alarmed Area 1
Maximum Alarmed Area 60
Filter Width (pixels) 3
Filter Height (pixels) 3
Minimum Filtered Area 1
Maximum Filtered Area 75
Minimum Blob Area 1
Maximum Blob Area 0
Minimum Blobs 2
Maximum Blobs 0

I am running CTU 1.21.3

Any ideas/suggestions?



Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 11:34 am
by lazyleopard
What size is your video frame? I presume you've got the setting on "Percent" rather than "Pixels"?

Depending on your frame size, try increasing your filter width and height values to 5, 7 or 9.

Also, check what "Reference Image Blend" percentage you're using to modify your reference image.

Use the ZM_CREATE_ANALYSIS_IMAGES option (Options->Config) to seee where your alarms are happening.

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 3:32 pm
by zoneminder
I've had a lot of fog swirling around in front of my cameras this week as well but no alarms as a result. As well as what LazyLeopard suggested try switching on record event stats to see what might be causing ZM to trigger.


Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 4:49 pm
by jameswilson
Phil I have been thinking on a way to make the setup of alarms easier, and now i can read from mysql it cant be to long till i learn how to write to it too. I would like to add a config page that allows changing af relevant settings. Also i could then convert integer values to moving bars. What im wondering is
zm must calculate (i assume) the alarmed pixel valu blob numbers etc, is there anyway for me to retrieve this info live. That way i caould show a progress bar with current state (alarmed pixels etc) live video window and then a slider bar to increase/decrease the relevant settings. I would also love to be able to show that red outline thingy of yours live!

Just some thoughts and im nowhere near ready to write my end
