doubts with frames

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doubts with frames

Post by germandms »

I have zm 1,21,4 in suse 10,0, a capturadora of 16 120 channels of fps. When agrege the monitors with one tapeworm 40fps, soon when being agrgando this low every time but now I have 4 and it goes in 2.8fps and I must get to use 10 camaras.
this controls zm or Suse????
also when I see a monitor despues I close the window where I see the image of camara and one closes all thanks for its aid

Atte German
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Post by zoneminder »

I'm not sure I completely understand all of your message, particularly the bit about tapeworms :lol:

However I think you mean that you have a fast capture card but that your frame rates are dropping when you add cameras. If you have a 16 port card then you should be able to access devices /dev/video0 to /dev/video3 for example and channels 0 to 3 on each device. If you add four cameras on /dev/video0 using channels 0 to 3 then you will have four cameras sharing one capture chip and your frame rates will drop whereas if your cameras are on different devices, and all on channel 0 for example then you should get the full frame rate on each one, provided your server will support it.

There aren't many circumstances though where you will probably need more than 5-10 fps anyway.
