pager emails not going out

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pager emails not going out

Post by bbarnett »

Hi all,

I've checked the message/pager checkbox in the email section of the options, but filter doesn't try to send these emails.

I get normal alert emails fine, just not the pages. I know they're not going out, as I don't see thme in my sendmail logs (and I do see the full emails go out).

Any ideas?

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Post by cordel »

Check the error logs?

There is really not enough info here to allow anyone to be able to help.


PS You might want to review the first post/sticky:
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Post by bbarnett »

There is nothing in the filter log, it just ignores the fact that this option is set...

I don't see anything in my regular syslogs either. It's as if it is completely ignoring this option...
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Post by cordel »

Did you:
Check the messages log?
Check the zmdc.log?
Restart zm after checking the option?
What version of zm?
What do you have for your ZM_MESSAGE_TEXT?
Is this for a numeric or alpha-numeric pager/cellular?

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Post by bbarnett »

Yes, nothing out of the ordinary in any of my syslog, logs. In fact, I tail -f a few logs when I did this.

Yes, I restarted. Nothing I can see in zmdc.log. It's the Debian package 1.21.3-4.

FOr ZM_MESSAGE_TEXT, I left it at the default:

# This is the configuration file for notification messages
# The tags you can use in here are as follows
# The path tags however may be over long for a message
# destined for an SMS and will in any case probably not
# direct you to a WAP compatible page (yet).
# %ZP% - The path to your ZoneMinder console
# %MN% - The name of the monitor
# %MET% - The total number of events for the monitor
# %MEH% - The number of events for the monitor in the last hour
# %MED% - The number of events for the monitor in the last day
# %MEW% - The number of events for the monitor in the last week
# %MEM% - The number of events for the monitor in the last month
# %MEA% - The number of archived events for the monitor
# %MP% - The path to the monitor window
# %MPS% - The path to the monitor stream
# %MPI% - The path to the monitor recent image
# %EP% - The path to the event
# %EPS% - The path to the event stream
# %EPI% - The path to the event images
# %EPI1% - The path to the first alarmed event image
# %EPIM% - The path to the (first) event image with the highest score
# %EI1% - Attach first alarmed event image
# %EIM% - Attach (first) event image with the highest score
# %EV% - Attach event mpeg video
# %EI% - The id of the event
# %EN% - The name of the event
# %ET% - The time of the event
# %ED% - The duration of the event
# %EF% - The number of frames in the event
# %EFA% - The number of alarm frames in the event
# %EST% - The total score of the event
# %ESA% - The average score of the event
# %ESM% - The maximum score of the event
# %FN% - The name of the current filter that matched
# %FP% - The path to the current filter that matched

# Change these to suit your own preferences
subject ="ZoneMinder: Alarm - %MN%-%EI"
body ="ZM alarm detected - %ED% secs, %EF%/%EFA% frames, t%EST%/m%ESM%/a%ESA% score"

It's a cell phone, it just takes an email. I've placed the correct address in the config (and again, I can see sendmail sending out the long email, but the shorter does not even get processed by sendmail, at all...)

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Post by zoneminder »

I will chekc this issue and get back.
