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stop camera retation of capture daemon

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 10:09 pm
by bhomass
this may sound like a strange question.

I have a 4 channel capture card which share a single chip. zmc is rotating thru the four cameras connected to the card. zmc knows there are 4 monitors defined and go thru them in a loop.

for my requirements, I sometimes need for the capture proc to stay on one camera for a while. I used an external program to trick zmc to always stay on the designated monitor even as the loop index increments. checking the log file, the zmc program stays running reading the same monitor for 17 times, then it is stopped by some watch dog and restarts. of course, then it resumes the rotation.

is there a sure proof way to stop the rotation to meet my application need?

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 3:01 am
by jameswilson
if you change your other cmonitors to none that will stop the cycle, save the current state, then you can revall different states from the command line. i have read on here about people changing the monitor states at different times using cron. could you let us know your application as there maybe a better way

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 7:03 pm
by bhomass
in my application, there is an independent program reading frames from the same capture card. the 2nd application has its own selection of camera channel. when zm rotates thru the cameras, it affects what the 2nd app is picking up.

when you say set other cmonitors to null, where should I insert the code? I have been studying the .cpp files, but don't know much about the command line scripts. how would you stop and recall the monitors and their states? I believe whatever you do, you have to modify the Monitors database table?

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 5:50 pm
by bhomass
I did a search to find out how to make use of the monitor states. it does work, functionally, but the reaction time is VERY long. this is not meant to be something you do as a regular app feature. prob, if you only change state 2 times a day, it would be great.

my question is can I possibly have the same function but change the monitor state with much faster reaction time? like no more than 7 sec?