Upgrading problems.

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Posts: 58
Joined: Thu Jul 29, 2004 12:12 am

Upgrading problems.

Post by JimNoble »

Not exactly sure where I went wrong. In upgrading I seem to have lost all my events.

Problems encountered:

I decided to upgrade ffmpeg to the CVS version (as it apparently does apple lossless audio decoding), which I did using the rpm that's on atrpms-stable (I have fedora core 3). Unfortunately, the LIBAVCODEC version in avcodec.h in this rpm does not specify the CVS version number, so zoneminder will not build correctly with it.

I ended up having to remove the package, which took a whole load of other stuff with it including the zm package installed from cordel's rpm server. (Mental note: 11pm is a bad time to start upgrading stuff. It never takes 5 minutes...)

Eventually managed top get a proper CVS version installed, and zoneminder built.

I also didn't twig that the default install location has either changed or is different to the previous rpms (binaries into /usr/local/bin instead of /var/lib/zm/bin), which didn't make things easier :)

Once I'd updated /usr/local/etc/zm.conf with the details from the old zm.conf, I managed to get it all up and running. Sort of.

At that point I could see the web interface (but see below), but zm would not run. I tracked the problem down to the fact that I keep my database on a separate partition, and the location doesn't seem to have been preserved in the upgrade.

Changing the location in the options page sorted it, but the first thing it did was run zmaudit and delete all the events...

At the moment the web interface is not quite right. It looks like everything has been installed into /var/www/html instead of /var/www/html/zm, and /var/www/cgi-bin instead of /var/www/cgi-bin/zm.

I can get to the console by removing the trailing "/zm", but streaming does not work because it is expecting zms to be in "/zm" still.

The docs make references to /zm being dealt with in /etc/httpd/conf.d/zm.conf, but I don't have one...?

Posts: 58
Joined: Thu Jul 29, 2004 12:12 am

Post by JimNoble »

I've just rebuilt and reinstalled to fix the problem with zoneminder no longer being at localhost/zm. Looks like I just forgot it needed to be specified when you run the configure script.

So that's sorted. However, when I restarted zm it's lost all of the events again (only for active monitors).

They still seem to be in the zm DB though. Why is zm not seeing them?
