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how ZM_filter works?

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2003 10:25 pm
by fernando
phil .
can you splain how zm_filter works?
sinse i fix the time zone problem i trie to figure out how zmfilter works

why ... i create some new filters and delete others but some works and some dont..
they work only if a restart ZM
there is a timer but dont know how it works..
please splain a little more

BTW.. i read the manual 1000 times. :)


Re: how ZM_filter works?

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 10:44 am
by zoneminder
Hi Fernando,

Do you mean the script or the web interface?

To avoid load on the DB any new or changed filters are only reloaded into zmfilter every 5 minutes or so I think in case that helps.


Re: how ZM_filter works?

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 4:06 pm
by fernando
what i want to know .. or i dont know if is problem.. is

i have set a filter to delete events on less or equal -6 day and take to long to execute that event. i have events that have 10 hours old. and still dont delete them.

can you tellme how i can speed up
the only log i recieve is ..

Scanning for events since id -1
Scanning for events since id -1
Scanning for events since id -1
Scanning for events since id -1

and this from zmdc.log
Can't find process with command of ' -m 2 -e -1'
Can't find process with command of 'zma -m 2'
' ' stopping at 03/11/05 12:05:44
' ' died at 03/11/05 12:05:44, signal 14
'' starting at 03/11/05 12:05:44, pid = 13158
'' started at 03/11/05 12:05:44
'zmc -d 0' stopping at 03/11/05 12:53:45
'zmc -d 0' died at 03/11/05 12:53:45
'zmc -d 0' starting at 03/11/05 12:53:46, pid = 16371
'zmc -d 0' started at 03/11/05 12:53:46
'zma -m 2' starting at 03/11/05 12:53:47, pid = 16376
'zma -m 2' started at 03/11/05 12:53:47
' -m 2 -e -1' started at 03/11/05 12:53:47
' -m 2 -e -1' starting at 03/11/05 12:53:47, pid = 16381
'zma -m 2' crashed at 03/11/05 12:53:47, exit status 255
'zma -m 2' starting at 03/11/05 12:53:48, pid = 16383
'zma -m 2' started at 03/11/05 12:53:48
'zmc -d 0' stopping at 03/11/05 12:57:13
'zmc -d 0' died at 03/11/05 12:57:13
'zmc -d 0' starting at 03/11/05 12:57:13, pid = 16812
'zmc -d 0' started at 03/11/05 12:57:13
Can't find process with command of ' -m 1 -e -1'
Can't find process with command of 'zma -m 1'

and so on...

other is going great.

Re: how ZM_filter works?

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 4:33 pm
by zoneminder
Hi Fernando,

Your logs look ok apart from a zma crash but I assume that's just because zmc hadn't got going by then.

I'm not sure I entirely understand your filter problem. If you have one that says delete events less than or equal to -6 days. It means it will basically delete anything over 6 days old. So any events that are only 10 hours old will be unaffected. Do you have any events over 6 days old?


Re: how ZM_filter works?

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 5:31 pm
by fernando
sorry was 8 hours. the thing is the only way to make it work faster is restarting ZM

i will send you a mail to to send mi ip. and port so you see it.

Re: how ZM_filter works?

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2003 4:06 pm
by zoneminder
Hi Fernando,

I have been digging around and there was a potential issue with zmfilter where time based filters would only run each time new events occured so if you had no new events they could get left around. I've made some mods which I'll upload later which hopefully will address your issues. I've also created a filter like yours and it works so there's nothing wrong with your filter as such.


Re: how ZM_filter works?

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2003 5:05 pm
by fernando
to keep digging around...

y have make it work.. but only in modec. if i swich to record filters dont work..
please test it and tellme..
