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Track Motion and Preset 1

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 1:47 am
by jamest

Am running zm 1.21.4 and have the track motion set up. Originally i had this set to return the camera to the home position after 60 seconds, this worked fine. I now need it to return to preset1.
If i click preset1 on the zm's camera control page it goes to the correct postion so ZM must be able to tell the camera to go to a preset.
I looked in the zmtrack.log and shows "Returning to location 1" but the camera doesn't move. It does still track motion correctly though.
In the zmtrack pl file this seems to be the problem line
now in other parts of ZM preset1 is called preset_1 or preset 1 or preset_goto_1 i've tried all of them and none seem to work.

Anyone got any ideas or is anyone else using preset1 sucessfully?
(Camera is a BL-C10 and is running on centos 4.2)



Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 11:46 pm
by jameswilson
i have 'played' with a c10 and tracking but gave up, i cant help with your preset 1 thing but you could use (i did) the panasonic ui to change the home position to match preset 1

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 5:01 pm
by zoneminder
I think this is a bug. I've done a quick fix and will test it properly before I commit. Either way it will be working in the next release.

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 11:41 pm
by jamest
Thanks for the updates, I look forward to 1.22.1.

James, for info, i did find tracking pretty awful when i first tried the camera - it was very slow at responding. After upgrading the camera firmware to 1.25 it seem to work muct better. It's been tracking since quite happily
