No Play All button, problem creating Video
Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 7:22 am
ZM 1.22.0
Celeron 400 192M
Debian Linux Kernel 2.6.8
Capture card 1 BTTV chip with 4 inputs
Web server thttpd/2.25b
PHP 5.0.5-3 (cgi-fcgi)
Had a similar problem to the one I posted as "jpegtopnm: WRITING PPM FILE".When creating a video, all the output from ffmpeg was appearing in the window under the heading "Generating Video". It
would then be replaced by the "Video Generation Succeeded!" window. The ffmpeg.log in the event directory was also empty. I think this is because thttpd does not have an error log.
I fixed this problem by changing the line in
my $output = qx($command);
my $output = qx($command 2>&1);
at about line 317.
The messages disappeared from the browser window and ffmpeg.log looked correct.
My previous problem which was fixed by adding the --quiet option could also have been fixed by redirecting STDERR:
$command = ZM_PATH_NETPBM."/jpegtopnm -dct fast $image_path 2>/dev/null.............
At the same time I was getting a warning about use of uninitialized value at about line 293 of
I changed this:
printf( LOG $message ) if ( $dbg_to_log );
print( LOG $message ) if ( $dbg_to_log );
It was also causing some distortion in the entry written to zmvideo.log. I think the % in %03d in $message was being interpreted as a formatting character.
When selecting an event from the events list, that event would play but the Stop button would always be displayed. I was not presented with the Play All button.
In zm_html_view_event.php at about line 491 I changed this:
........... class="text"><?php if ( $mode == "stream" ) { if ( $frame_data ) {........
........... class="text"><?php if ( $mode == "stream" ) { if ( $play && $next_event ) {......
So far everything seems good.
Celeron 400 192M
Debian Linux Kernel 2.6.8
Capture card 1 BTTV chip with 4 inputs
Web server thttpd/2.25b
PHP 5.0.5-3 (cgi-fcgi)
Had a similar problem to the one I posted as "jpegtopnm: WRITING PPM FILE".When creating a video, all the output from ffmpeg was appearing in the window under the heading "Generating Video". It
would then be replaced by the "Video Generation Succeeded!" window. The ffmpeg.log in the event directory was also empty. I think this is because thttpd does not have an error log.
I fixed this problem by changing the line in
my $output = qx($command);
my $output = qx($command 2>&1);
at about line 317.
The messages disappeared from the browser window and ffmpeg.log looked correct.
My previous problem which was fixed by adding the --quiet option could also have been fixed by redirecting STDERR:
$command = ZM_PATH_NETPBM."/jpegtopnm -dct fast $image_path 2>/dev/null.............
At the same time I was getting a warning about use of uninitialized value at about line 293 of
I changed this:
printf( LOG $message ) if ( $dbg_to_log );
print( LOG $message ) if ( $dbg_to_log );
It was also causing some distortion in the entry written to zmvideo.log. I think the % in %03d in $message was being interpreted as a formatting character.
When selecting an event from the events list, that event would play but the Stop button would always be displayed. I was not presented with the Play All button.
In zm_html_view_event.php at about line 491 I changed this:
........... class="text"><?php if ( $mode == "stream" ) { if ( $frame_data ) {........
........... class="text"><?php if ( $mode == "stream" ) { if ( $play && $next_event ) {......
So far everything seems good.