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ZM 1.22 ' start' Cannot Get it to Start

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 8:42 pm
by wolfram
Hi All,
I have installed ZM 1.22. Everything went very well so far.
Here is my problem when I tried to run ZM.

The command : start
Gives me:
Can't connect: Connection refused at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7/ZoneMinder/ line 321
ZoneMinder::Debug::Fatal('Can\'t connect: Connection refused') called at /usr/local/bin/ line 141

OK When I check the zm.conf I have db, user,password set. And I cann manually log into mysql with these settings.
When I change the password in the zm.conf file I get many other errors, so I assume the password and user name is correct.

Now here is the logfile output of zmpkg.log:

02/28/06 21:42:47.058687 zmpkg[12076].INF [Command: start]
02/28/06 21:42:57.903584 zmpkg[12076].ERR [Unable to run 'su nobody -c '/usr/local/bin/ startup'', output is 'Starting server']

Does anybody know where to look for an entry point to my errors ?

Regards Wolfram


Forgot zmdc.log infos

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 8:54 pm
by wolfram
I forgot to post this log of zmdc.log

02/28/06 21:42:47.825016 zmdc[12093].INF [Server starting at 06/02/28 21:42:47]
02/28/06 21:42:50.056132 zmdc[12093].FAT [Can't bind: Address already in use]
02/28/06 21:42:57.890625 zmdc[12091].FAT [Can't connect: Connection refused]
tmp #
Does anyone have an idea what it tries to bind ?

Delete zmdc.sock..helps but why...

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 7:39 am
by wolfram
I did a delete to the zmdc.sock file and I could start start

without an error message.

What I dont know is why is this sock file still there shouldn t it be delete by the script before it tries to create it new ?


Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 4:52 pm
by zoneminder
Yes, it should if it closed down properly and it has permissions. If it is killed or crashes then it may get left behind.