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ZM on old hardware? (or embedded)

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 11:08 pm
by Cylindric
Hello, me again,

Can anyone give any feedback on running ZM on older kit? Basically, I'm considering using ZM on an embedded-type system (such as PC/104 or EPIC) and this means that spec is somewhat limited. (eg 400MHz Celeron)

What would be the minimum spec for something similar to:
2 colour cameras ~10fps (probably using a capture-card, not USB/IPcam)
Single viewer at any one time
No mocap, I don't think (monitor only)

Without mocap on the cameras, I think I could probably find a simpler way of doing things than ZM, but I'm considering putting mocap on one of the cameras to trigger an audible alarm on motion. All a bit maybe-this-maybe-that at the moment...


Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 9:48 am
by Flash_
If you can go without the zm-only features (mocap/cord etc) then if you can get mjpeg working on any camera (I'm exclusively ip-based and don't know anything about legacy cams) then for display... Firefox?

Adding multiple video streams to a webpage where you can use Firefox on (IE doesn't support mjpeg, don't even go there) is as simple as adding <img> tags. Ie, I have six cameras updating continuously over a lan at work (also works over the internet, but slower) using exactly this. Night security uses it to monitor all the cameras in a portable way (on a laptop, can wander around the complex with it, or park and view anywhere - even multiple viewers are no problem if the cams are up to it).

The best part is the viewing pc's requirements are minimal - a p400 is more than adequate to view multiple mjpeg pictures this way. Size of picture is more flexible than ZM.

Btw, I use both. I have ZM linked in on mocord too (external cams positioned next to PIR floodlights).

Example html code to view a single mjpeg stream in firefox. Adding multiples are dead easy - no need to mess around with java, activex, js - this "just works". Example is for an axis webcam running on port 1102 using hostname office, in 320x240 colour.

Code: Select all

<a href="http://office:1102"><img src="http://office:1102/axis-cgi/mjpg/video.cgi?resolution=320x240" width="320" height="240" border="0">  </a>
You don't even need a webserver, just save the html locally and open from your hd. (Must write a proper article about this)

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 10:00 am
by jameswilson
Yes please do an article as i for one for find this very intersting. You could use zms as the source too, but this would load your zm server!


Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 7:31 pm
by Cylindric
Thanks, I'm just throwing ideas about at the moment, so any input is great.

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 8:29 pm
by jameswilson
I would think if you dropped the framerate and used record etc no motion detection. I run 2 cams at 4 fps each on a duron 750 with no issues