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ZM .16 Beta Update

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 4:49 pm
by zoneminder

A slightly updated version of the beta can be had from ... 105.tar.gz if you want to try it.

Changes from the previous beta are :-

- Increased SQL buffer size to cope with large pre-event buffers, plus a couple of other buffers have been enlarged.
- The time offsets in alarmed frames were incorrect and based on the time of storage rather than capture. This gave the impression that there was a delay after the first alarmed frame and messed up some streaming timings. This has been fixed.
- You can now view details of the frames captured such as their time and score etc by clicking on the scores in the events views.
- Fixed zmfilter, zmwatch and zmx10 to allow zero as a valid shared memory id to allow them to keep on working if the segment has been marked for deletion
- Changed image buffer in zmf to be static rather than dynamic. This has made zmf much more stable.
- Fixed the 'Overwrite' checkbox in video generation to actually overwite the video. Modded the page slightly also.

Hopefully these are all useful. There's no DB changes so you should be able to just untar this over your existing distribution. There are additional files though so you may have to rerun configure etc.



Re: ZM .16 Beta Update

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2003 5:35 pm
by fernando
iam already testing it.

i will tellyou if mi filter problem continues..

i leave a comment on the other tread thats may help you.

Re: ZM .16 Beta Update

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2003 9:06 pm
by fernando
pillip i test the new version..
seems ok . but i have same filter problem.
i have more information
filter works ok when zm is in Modec .. the problem is when swich to record
the filter for that camera dont run. only on the modec cameras.

hope this helps you.


Re: ZM .16 Beta Update

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2003 12:39 pm
by zoneminder
I've now uploaded the latest beta which you can download from ... 108.tar.gz

Notable changes in this version :-

- Changing between monitor functions, e.g. Modect, Mocord etc now restarts the correct daemons.
- Filters that include time based clauses now get executed regardless of whether new events are being generated.
- zmaudit is now started regardless of the setting of FAST_DELETES as zmfilter depends on it being there.
- zmfilter is now started in 'Monitor' mode. It does not run in when monitors are completely off however.


Re: ZM .16 Beta Update

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 8:24 pm
by weyrick
i'm having a problem with the latest beta (upgrading from the first).

i was happy to see the record feature, which i started using. however, in the latest beta, i can no longer get events properly - either from modetect OR record. i can see the events being created (in the database and on disk) and I see the catpure.jpg files on disk. however, when i go to view an event, it lists nothing for duration, and says there are no frames.

also, i had set the Section length to 3600 so i would get 1 event per hour. with the latest beta, all events appear to last for 10 seconds, then another event is created. but again, no frames show up in the web interface.

while i'm at it, a great feature would be the ability to set an event expiration time. so that unless an event was archived, it would be automatically deleted after a certain period of time (in my case i'd like them around for a week).

i'll be doing this by hand until such a feature shows up....

thanks for the great work!