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adding extra disk capacity

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 7:36 pm
by 8ace
Hi everyone - I recently bought a 200GB drive (so cheap it was almost given away) and would like to add it to my zm installation. I can see the additional drive, partition it etc. - but I am not how to EXTEND my existing zm capacity for events. I had a little tinker about but didn;t want to trash my existing setup ... is there any easy way in Linux to extend a partition?

Pls excuse my lack of knowledge! :-)

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 8:39 pm
by zoneminder
If you have Logical Volumne enabled then I think you can add your disk to an existing volume to extend it. If not then you can still use but will have to mount it on an existing directory. This could be /zm or your ZM events dir for instance, assuming you want to use it for ZM of course :lol: