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capture 1 frame per minute in one event

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 12:54 pm
by geostein
what i will do is, making a movie for one day with one picture per minute. I tried that with cron and streamwriter, but with that i have a collition with the zoneminder daemon (i got broken images, when there was a eevnt in zoneminder). Now i have set up a RECORD Camera and this camera generates one picture per minute, but always in a new event folder and with the same filename. What i need is a sequence of pictures with following numbers in one folder.

perhaps i can use the zoneminder capture daemoin with cron (i couldnt find anything about that in the forum or readme)

with regards

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 2:45 pm
by jameswilson
use record and a section length of 86400 and set your fps to .02 should do you

capture 1 frame per minute in one event

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 3:25 am
by geostein
thaks for the fast answer.
I checked this and it works, only the performance of my server is very bad when i start the job. It seems that the Event takes most of my cpu time. Is there no way to use zm manually with cron?


Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 8:59 am
by ediaz
But you can put a record mode at 1fps and take one image from the server.. (are simple jpg files)

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 10:20 am
by jameswilson
the problem is as far as i can see is that you want to save in a single folder a jpeg a minute for a whole day, so you can make a timelapse movie i suppose. Yes this could be done in zm but you will need some sort of script as zm cannot do it it self. I assume as your using a lot of processor that this is either a mega resolution image or low spec hardware. The only thing i can think of is for me to knock you up a quick windows app that will do this as i dont know how to perl it nativly. Im sure someone else will here but if you need a windows app to grab images from the zm server nd save them locally i could so this but im off to get married and wont be online for about 3 weeks!

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 2:18 pm
by zoneminder
I don't know why James' suggestion of a low frame rate and long section length should not work, though it is a new event every day. Failing that I would suggest using 'webcam' or other simpler application with cron etc. If that conflicts with ZM access to the video device then you could put in a v4l loopback device or perhaps simpler just put something like (not checked for syntax)

Code: Select all

1 * * * * wget 'http://<yourhost>/cgi-bin/zms?id=1&mode=jpeg'
in your cron to grab an image from ZM. You can name your image with the -o option of wget to a sequential number or just use 'date +"<format>"' to timestamp it. If it's on the same box you could use zmu directly instead of zms as well.