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Help: ZoneMinder won't start
Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 4:32 pm
by Islandcoz
Help I am a newbie, and have searched and read the post to try and find a solution to my problem with no luck.
My problem is as follows:
I started with 1.21.4 LiveCd installed to HDD.
6 monitors: 4 cams on a 4port card + two remote cams, one an IP Cam the other a webcam on another computer using ConquerCam.
Ran fine for months until I messed with it.
I downloaded and tried the install the update to 1.22.1 that failed, I then downloaded and installed the 1.22.0 RPM.. that worked but not very well.
I then tried the update again.. and got DB authentication errors. But corrected those.
Now the console come up saying I have 1.22.1 but ZM is stopped.
tail zmpkg.log reports "zmpkg[8790].ERR [unable to run "/usr/local/bin/zmfix", output is ""]"
I tried gdb zmfix which reported Program exited with code 0377.
I am lost please help..
Sorry for the long post.
Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 7:09 pm
by rdmelin
Take a look at /etc/zm.conf and make sure that ZM_DB_USER and ZM_DB_PASS are the correct values to access the zm database.
If settings are unchanged from the livecd install they should be:
I got it running now but....
Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 10:06 pm
by Islandcoz
Thanks rdmelin for your reply.
I was able to get ZoneMinder running by doing the running -f, got a clue by doing a tail /var/log/messages. I was then able to get zoneminder to start, but there was no streaming and broken images if I choose still. I then ran -version-1.22.0 --user=am_admin -pass=<password>. (I had changed the password earlier to get the console to start because I was get. auth.. error starting the console)
I am now running 1.22.1 and able to stream but... Whenever I try to look at a monitor, I first get a black screen after a while I then get blocky images, then finally a proper image. Hower the images does not seem to be realtime. Zoneminder is still capturing images however..I can watch events but they are always proceeded by a black screen...
Any Idea??
Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 10:26 pm
by rdmelin
The blocky images are not something I've seen before. Or seen any posts about, but I haven't always had time lately to keep up with the forums.
Is your system presently the same one upgraded from the 1.21.4 livecd?
If upgraded did you use the source method, or RPM?
And would you consider dumping the zm installation and installing fresh?
I have a 1.22.1 RPM that seems to work fine for a fresh installation, but haven't worked out all the upgrade issues yet.
Blocky Images
Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 12:07 am
by Islandcoz
Hi Rdmelin,
Yes the system is the same one upgraded from1.21.4 live CD.
I tried to upgrade using source.. which failed then used Rm which worked partially and brought me to 1.22.0. Then used source to get to 1.22.1
I have no problem dumping the installation and installing fresh.
I stuck with this installation, because I wanted to save my configuration
and currently the computer that I have it installed on does not have a monitor , keyboard or mouse hooken up and it might be a couple of week or so before I am able to hook it up. So I have been working on it remotely using putty.
I read in the posts that there is a rpm that will upgrade the 1.21.4 Live Cd installation to 1.22.1 but couldn't find it anywhere.
Once I get a chance to hook up a monitor and keyboard. I probably will do a reinstall of the live cd
No motion in montage but motion in Cycle
Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 12:10 am
by Islandcoz
I forgot to add in my previous posts, that In cycle view the monitors do show motion, however in montage mode there is no motion. Also no motion is displayed if the monitors are viewed individually. Anf in cycle view you don't see the black screens.
Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 1:22 am
by rdmelin
It is uncertain what state the zm database is in after the attempted updates. I would recommend removing your present zm installation and dropping the zm database.
Do "updatedb" and then "locate zm" to be sure you have removed all files from previous installations.
Then you can install fresh with a RPM from link in the sticky thread at the top of this forum.
Installing from RPM
Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 4:09 pm
by Islandcoz
Thanks for you reply,
I do have a few questions:
1. Since I am not sure axactly what the state of my zm installation is... what would be the easiest way to uniunstall. consitering tha I stareted with a Live Cd.. they used the 1.22.0 RPM and then the 1.22.1 source..
2. Am I to use the "zm-1.22.1-1.1.20060mdk.i586.rpm" to do the "New" install?
Could not select database: Unknown database 'zm'
Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 4:55 pm
by Islandcoz
I think I messed up, I uninstalled zoneminder and dropped the database as you suggested. I then reinstalled from rpm .. now I am getting : Could not select database: Unknown database 'zm'
Is there an installed that will rebuild the db?
Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 5:38 pm
by rdmelin
As root run "/usr/lib/zm/bin/zminit"
When asked for mysql admin name enter "root" and when prompted for passwd use "mko0nji9"
The start zm with "service zm start" and you should be good to go.
will get around to documenting this better soon
ZM Updated
Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 1:08 am
by pcalleros
I have updated my ZM V 1.22.0 to V 1.22.1
Following rdmelin's instructions regarding removing old program but not DB and installing new.
I was able to get ZM to start but not run until I did -f suggested by Islandcoz.
All looks well at this time. Thank you rdmelin!
ZM Update Post II
Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 1:13 am
by pcalleros
One thing I did notice is that when I reboot ZM server It comes up in a stopped state and I have to manually start it running.
Can I do anything to start it automatically?
Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 1:51 am
by rdmelin
Can I do anything to start it automatically?
"chkconfig zm on"
Auto-starting ZM
Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 11:29 am
by pcalleros
Are u saying I should edit the following file:
or insert "chkconfig zm on" somewhere else?
Help installing please
Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 3:04 am
by atlreguy
I d/l'ed LiveCD and burned it as an image. Popped it in the cd drive with a clean/new hard drive. It looks as if it is installing and then at some point it restarts and does that over and over again.
Help Please!