Been over the Zoneminder install for about 1 week now. Installed everything from 1.21 to 1.22.4 dpkg the zm deb package to makeing from souce. I ran into so much issues that I figure I put my notes here so in hopes to help someone with the same issues. BTW I'm a new linux user, so still learning alot.
I'm on Debian 2.6.15 (testing) with ZM 1.22.2 (build from source), Apache2 (Debian aptitude), PHP5 (Debian aptitude)
My Board looks like this: ... p-419.html
** WEB and PHP issues
-Problem: Broswer keep wanting to download PHP instead of Running ZM
Solution 1: Uncomment "AddType" for PHP file type in apache config files
Solution 2: "apt-get remove php5" then apt-get "install php5" again to reset the configuration file for apache2 and php
Solution 3: make sure (apt-get or aptitude) "php5-mysql", "libapache2-mod-php5" , and "php5" are installed
Solution 3: Might need to manually load the module for PHP using Loadmodules in apache2 confiuration file
Solution 4: Remove PHP5, APACHE2 then install APACHE2 and PHP5
-Problem: Keep getting kicked back into the Login screen after it says "Loggin In"
Solution 1: "mysql mysql" (if you root admin password is set use "mysql mysql -p"). "UPDATE zm.Config SET Value=1 WHERE name='ZM_OPT_USE_AUTH';"
Solution 2: Make sure your Mysql is running and make sure your mysql username/password is zmuser/zmpass in mysql.user (mysql mysql, "SELECT * FROM mysql.user")
-Problem: Can't detect the 4400R card. BTTV *Unknown Card Type*
Solution 1: Create a file in /etc/modprobe.conf with
alias char-major-81 bttv
options bttv gbuffers=16 card=133,132,133,133 tuner=4,4,4,4
I'll add as I remember the other issues. I really hope it help someone. I was stuck on the login problem for 2 days until the last post about changing the ''ZM_OPT_USE_AUTH" to 1.