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Install problems with Debian. Suspect Perl problem

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 3:32 pm
by Lager Monster
Problem: Installation seems flawless. When I browse to the zone minder directory I see:
ZoneMinder - - : / : %
And 4 buttons with
<?= $zmSlangRefresh ?> <?= $zmSlangAddNewMonitor ?> <?= $zmSlangFilters ?> <?= $zmSlangDelete ?>

Running start does nothing. I see zm processes start then disappear in top

My install: ./configure --with-webdir=/home/zoneminder/zm/ --with-cgidir=/usr/lib/cgi-bin/ --with-ffmpeg=/usr/bin/ --with-webuser=www-data --with-webgroup=www-data --with-mysql=/usr/bin/

make;make install are error free

(I have modified the apache.conf so is /home/zoneminder/zm/)

My Server: Debian Sarge 3.1
uname -a
Linux 2.6.8-2-386 #1 Tue Aug 16 12:46:35 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux
PHP Version: 5.1.4-1.dotdeb.2
Apache Version: Apache/2.0.54 (Debian GNU/Linux) mod_python/3.1.3 Python/2.3.5 mod_perl/1.999.21 Perl/v5.8.4
Perl Version: v5.8.4 built for i386-linux-thread-multi

Where else can I get information regarding errors

I have had ZM v 1.21.1 running on this hardware with 2xcomposite video cams and a USB cam on Fedora FC4.
Replace the ol 20GB HD with a 250GB HD and Debian 3.1

Thanx in advance. Zoneminder rox

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 11:07 pm
by jameswilson
id also check your php version, im not sure but i think there are issues with version 5?

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 6:06 am
by eddyhkim
I concur with James. Those tags look like php isn't getting interpreted.

Create the following file in your webtree (and delete it as soon as you're done if this is accessible from the internet):

name it info.php:

point your browser to the file you just created. If you see a big long page with all sorts of info, with versions and everything, php is installed, but it may not be setup to use short tags. if you don't see the output of the phpinfo function then php isn't being called to interpret php files. is your friend. great docs on the site.

i'm using ubuntu (debian based) with php 5.1.2 and it seems to work.

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 6:19 am
by jameswilson
Thank eddy, i will update to php5 then and see if i have issues, it would appear Phil has fixed these too then, i cant keep up with the bloke

PHP5 removed - PHP4 installed

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 10:49 pm
by Lager Monster
Ok removed PHP5 installed PHP4 I now get the normal ZM screen.
Heres how I did it:

Uninstall PHP5

Code: Select all

apt-get remove php5*
This removed a lot of things
My /etc/apt/sources.list looks like this

Code: Select all

deb testing/updates main contrib
deb stable all
deb-src stable all
deb stable main contrib non-free
deb stable all
deb-src stable all
deb stable main
deb-src stable main
deb stable/updates main

Code: Select all

apt-get update
I also ran this for the sake of it, its part of the LAMP install
Thought I’d add it in case removing PHP5 broke something.

Code: Select all

apt-get install apache mysql-server libmysqlclient12-dev g++ make netpbm libssl-dev libjpeg62-dev libmime-perl libwww-perl libarchive-tar-perl libdate-manip-perl libarchive-zip-perl libmime-lite-perl libdbi-perl libdbd-mysql-perl libpcre3-devapt-get install mysql-server libmysqlclient12-dev g++ make netpbm libssl-dev libjpeg62-dev libmime-perl libwww-perl libarchive-tar-perl libdate-manip-perl libarchive-zip-perl libmime-lite-perl libdbi-perl libdbd-mysql-perl libpcre3-dev
Next install PHP4

Code: Select all

apt-get install php4-curl php4-domxml php4-gd php4-gmp php4-imap php4-ldap php4-mcal php4-mcrypt php4-mhash php4-ming php4-mysql php4-odbc php4-pspell php4-recode php4-snmp php4-xslt php4-xdebug
After this I was getting an error when browsing to the page
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_pconnect() . . . . .

This is fixed by editing /etc/php4/apache2/php.ini and adding (uncommenting)

Code: Select all

extension =
Page now works, now to set up my cameras. :)

short_open_tag = On at php.ini

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 3:32 pm
by vejeta
I had the same problem, php of zoneminder stopped being interpreted, after upgrading my Suse 10 SP1 to SP2.

I did the same that was explained here: ... --en-php-5

Just edited /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini

And changed short_open_tag from "short_open_tag = Off"
to "short_open_tag = On".

Restart Apache and everything should work again.