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panoramic view with Planet ICA-500

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 4:28 pm
by Boxscratcher
I'm looking for a way to have a sequential view of 4 (or more) snapshots from a single source (or CAM) on the same display this, similar to the "Montage" view but in a "Panorama" style.

Sound cumbersome but with more details it's hopefully easier to understand ....

With my Planet ICA-500 tilt camera, I can program a timed tour with camera stopping at predefined positions. Let say position A is the first stop, take a snapshot, save the snapshot to my FTP server, 15 seconds later, move to programed position B, take a snapshot and save it to my FTP server, 15 seconds later, move to programed position C, take a snapshot, move to position D, 15 second later, move to programed position and snapshot again, and start again at A and so on...

The resulting page shall be a built of snapshots A,B,C and D sequentally on the same page and refreshed in a 1 minute cycle (I will work in Monitor mode). Ideally, with each monitor respectively view (A,B,C,D) refreshed in cyclus but this is not a "must".

My problem, is now to define ever a filter or a macro to build a panorama-like view.

Does any of the "ZM-Guru's" have some hot hints ?

Many thanks in advance for your support. :wink:

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 4:54 pm
by zoneminder
So effectively you want one cam to feed 4 monitors, is that correct?

I suspect the only way to do it at present would be to write a script that did the motion, took a snapshot, wrote it to a file (e.g. preset1.jpg) and then repeated for each position. Then have ZM monitors set up to point to each file. It should be relatively straightforward to do I think.

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 8:51 pm
by Boxscratcher

Bingo :P ! That's exactly what i'm looking for.

Now, I feel like a todler learning to walk.... Start writing ZM scripts.... Any other hints or HOWTO avaible around ?

Thanks a lot for support

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 10:05 pm
by jameswilson
its a bit of an advanced feature matey im afraid.
I cant help you and few others here are that advanced.
Basically you need to know how to scrpt first which is a linux thing not a zm thing.
then your going to pass commands like
move to 34,10
tell zm its in a new location
sleep for x seconds

and so on

sorry i cant help more but ive never tried to do this

**and phil i didnt see you messing with a spam db ever mate!!! lol

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 10:14 pm
by zoneminder
Yes, spam filter thingy coming up. Though I don't know any bad words so it'll take a while to get them all in. :lol:

Script-wise, basically I think you'd just need something like this

Code: Select all

while ( forever )
  foreach preset
     move to preset
     capture image to named preset file
     sleep a bit
You could do this easily in perl using the LWP library or you could probably even do it in shell using wget or curl.

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 11:18 am
by Boxscratcher
:? Brrrr..... All that sound tricky for me. I have absolutely no expertise writing scripts under Linux. But since I'm not the kind of a guy to stay frozen down the mountain I'll start to dig .....

Anyhow, many thanks for your time answering my post
