
Support and queries relating to all previous versions of ZoneMinder
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Joined: Tue Nov 18, 2003 1:33 pm


Post by bowman »

Having managed to get ZoneMinder installed on Debian with Apache and mySQL, I finally (after giving suid root to zms) get pictures - but they are somewhat wrong. The first image covers only 60-80% of the image height, the rest shows up in the second frame so that I get split images with one new and one old part. I don´t really have any idea any more - my cam (Philips ToUCam Fun) works perfectly with other software like SDLCam. Could it be a streaming problem, could it be a browser problem... I don´t know. Maybe I should try to reinstall the whole zm suite :-)
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Re: Frustration!

Post by zoneminder »


Can you tell me what settings you have set your camera to, ie. image size and capture palette. I assume it's a USB camera, if so is it sharing the bus with anything else? I also assume it's using the pwc driver, can you do a 'lsmod' and see? Finally, can you see any obvious errors in /var/log/messages?
