Stills not being displayed.

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Stills not being displayed.

Post by Flasheart »

Long time ZM user. Bug with current release, puzzling the pants off me. Been happening for a long time with server1 and that was a strange beast with some quirks so I put it down to server oddness, but now it's repeating on a new install on a new machine.

This has happened with two new installs under Debian etch (testing).
All libs up to date. Using the jpeg6 libraries.


Server 1: Quad Xeon 500, 2.6gb ram, 200gb ext3.
Server 2: Athlon 64-x2 4800. 2gb ram. 400gb ext3.

ONLY EFFECTS RECORD EVENTS - Modect are fine, no matter how long.
Default 10 minute segments.
Happens on multiple cameras, All Axis - 320x240xgreyscale @ 2-4fps.

If I view the event, by default it starts streaming in realtime. No problem.
If I go to video and generate a video using ffmpeg, no problem.
However - If I got to "Stills" and view then I get the Stills view. Gives me options to link to page 1-112 of thumbnails.
Page 1 displays normally.
Page 2 shows a few.
Page 3 and onwards are completely blank. Ie - they show the menu navigation, but no thumbnails.
No errors in any of the zm logfiles or apache's.

If I view the html source of the pages, the img and link tags aren't there - just the formatting:

Code: Select all

<tr><td><div style="text-align: center">
Before the final Prev / Delete & Prev menu bar. Ie, none of the zmImage images are even referenced - so it's not a case of missing thumbnails.

So... Any ideas? It just seems that Zoneminder, or the thumbnailer gives up when faced with so many stills in a single directory and only gives the first 28 of ~1792.

Not a critical problem, the events are being recorded and using Stills for 10 minute segments isn't the most widely used feature (unlike in modect mode), but I'd like to know why it's doing this. If it is due to the jpeg6 libs, then given their benefits I can prolly live with this problem.
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Post by cordel »

Have you tried checking your database?
Might need to be repaired. ... sql+repair
The only thing I can think of at the moment.


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Post by yod9999 »

this could be the same problem that i enquired about here ... highlight=

essentially it's because zm doesn't create a db record for each frame in non-alarm conditions in order to reduce system load. there's a param in the config called ZM_BULK_FRAME_INTERVAL which determines how many frames pass between each db update. it seems that when you view the stills pages it creates enough pages to show the actual number of frames the section comprises, but only displays the frames that we're written to the database. my bulk frame interval is set to 10, so i get 110-113 pages, but only the first 10-13 are populated with images.

hope this helps

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Post by Flash_ »

Yes! Thanks yod9999 - I missed your post but it describes exactly this problem.

I'm happy to wait for the next version where Phill says he would fix. Thanks for the info. :)
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Stills for events not displaying

Post by ManRoaming »

I just moved over to FC 4 from Suse 10.1. I'm running 1.22.3. Installation per the instructions in the wiki went fairly well. I can record and play back events. However I cannot view the stills of an event. Checked the databases, permissions, and logs, nothing rears its ugly head there. SE is disabled. Any ideas on this one?

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Fixed it already

Post by ManRoaming »

OK, I think it must have been a broken link. I fixed it by going into options, paths and changing the value for ZM_DIR_EVENTS to something else, restarting ZM and then changing it back to events and restarting ZM again. Now I can see the event video, the stills and the blob analysis. Seems like the whole system is running smoother since I switched to FC 6. I did not have to apply any FFMPEG patch or fiddle around with capture card settings like I did with Suse 10.1.
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further fix...

Post by ManRoaming »

Well it was a little more serious than what I described. I noticed that after I changed zone shapes that the stills were not displaying. I did a make uninstall and make clean and re-installed the ZM and the DB. Now everything works as it should. Go figure..