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Upgrade instructions for ZMLiveCD from 1.22.2 to 1.22.3

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 5:02 pm
by Ternitzer
It took me a little while to figure it out, so I figured I post it in case anyone else needs it.

1. Log into your ZM computer
2. su to root (type su, press ENTER, provide password: qwerty by default)
3. type: wget ... k.i586.rpm
+ ENTER to get latest Mandriva rpm
4. type: rpm -U zm-1.22.3-4_20060mdk.i586.rpm + ENTER
5. type: service zm start + ENTER

Thats it! When you log back into your ZM console you'll be running the latest version and you should still have all of your saved events.

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 9:12 pm
by Eklectick

I installed the LiveCD 1.21.4.

Then upgraded to 1.22.2 using: zm-1.22.2-8_101mdk.i586.rpm and everything nice and dandy.

Downloaded zm-1.22.3-4_20060mdk.i586.rpm, did a service zm stop and then rpm -U zm-1.22.3-4_20060mdk.i586.rpm + ENTER and got the following:

Code: Select all

error: Failed dependencies: is needed by zm-1.22.3-4_20060mdk
Is this rpm for the LiveCD 1.21.4 then rpm to 1.22.2 or is this rpm to be used with Ross Mandriva2006 LiveCD?

Is there anyway of updating at this point where I am at?


Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 9:58 pm
by rdmelin
I installed the LiveCD 1.21.4
This is based on mandrake 10.1
Downloaded zm-1.22.3-4_20060mdk.i586.rpm
This is for Mandriva 2006. Either from the Mandriva 2006 "ZMDV" installer or the 1.22.2* ZMLiveCD

I no longer maintain a Mandrake 10.1 system so cannot easily rebuild upgrade RPMs for older systems. Since all the tools to rebuild are installed on the older system I could provide a SRPM if someone wants to rebuild for older systems. Otherwise the solution is to move up to a mdv2006 based system. Since the newer LiveCDs allow me to rebuild and test running from the CD, I expect to be able to provide support for these systems for some time.

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 4:40 am
by Eklectick

Thanks for your reply.

I have downloaded the Mandriva LiveCD 1.22.2 but have been having trouble with it. Mainly at installation time (I guess since its emulated and not all graphics like de old LiveCDs) the installation suddenly stops, freezes well into the installation while all the lines are sputtering it just freezes. Other times the installation freezes before getting to the desktop.

I have downloaded the ISO a couple of times and checksumed it.

I am yet to finish an installation with it and get back into the "graphics" mode where the bootloader is written. :-S

If Mandriva is the path you have chosen I see no point on making an RPM for Mandrake 10.1

Ross, do you plan on releasing a LiveCD for the 1.22.3?

Perhaps it will be updated and better polished for my particular issues to go away?


Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 3:04 pm
by rdmelin
Ross, do you plan on releasing a LiveCD for the 1.22.3?
I've been working on a Mandriva 2007.0 based CD and it's coming along. I may get it out in the next couple of weeks.

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 4:07 am
by gola10
I just set a trial computer and installed the Zoneminder Livecd Mandriva 2006 and tried to install zm-1.22.3-4_20060mdk.i586.rpm but there is an error.
This is what i did as root.
service zm stop + Enter.
rpm -U zm-1.22.3-4_20060mdk.i586.rpm + Enter.
warning: /etc/zm.conf created as /etc/zm.conf.rpmnew
error: unpacking of archive failed on file /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7/ZoneMinder/;459b2a0d: cpio: read failed - Bad file descriptor

What does it means?

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 5:59 am
by rdmelin
Sounds like you got a bad download. Try downloading again. I'm not sure what state your RPM database is in now. You may need to install using the --force switch.

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 3:25 pm
by gola10
I uninstalled ZM, downloaded again zm-1.22.3-4_20060mdk.i586.rpm and try to install it but has the same error.

This is a trial computer. I will format the hard disk and install again from Livecd to see what happends.
I have two computers running Zoneminder installed from Livecd and they are working ok. one with 8 cameras and the other with 4. This trial computer is to learn how to update before i do the update on those computers.

Thanks for your help.
I will let you know what happends.
How is the Livecd on Mandriva 2007?
Will it include support for Serial Ata and raisel file system?

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 2:13 am
by gola10
I just installed the livecd again and applied the update as follow

downloaded again zm-1.22.3-4_20060mdk.i586.rpm
rpm -U zm-1.22.3-4_20060mdk.i586.rpm
warning: /etc/zm.conf created as /etc/zm.conf.rpmnew
error: unpacking of archive failed on file /usr/lib/zm/bin/zmc;459c604f: cpio: read

What chances are that i do not have the correct version?
When i open zoneminder i see "ZoneMinder Console - Running - v1.22.2".

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 2:30 am
by jameswilson
if you are seeing that then it isnt updated
i normally use
rpm -Uvh xxxxx but as it fails to read i suggest downloading it again

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 12:27 pm
by gola10
I just did urpmi grub
Grub was downloaded but while trying to install it this is the error i get
error: unpacking of archive failed on file /lib/grub/i386-mandriva/stage2;459cf132: cpio: read
Seems to be similar to the one with the update. Something must be wrong in my installation. What could it be? This is a fresh installation from Livecd.

Thanks for you help.

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 11:17 pm
by TimboUK
rdmelin wrote:
Ross, do you plan on releasing a LiveCD for the 1.22.3?
I've been working on a Mandriva 2007.0 based CD and it's coming along. I may get it out in the next couple of weeks.
Any updates? :D

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 12:17 am
by gola10
Just to report that finaly i was able to upgrade with the RPM from 1.22.2 to 1.22.3 The problem i had whas with a fresh trial installation and still do not know why. On an already running installation the upgrade was OK. I just had to edit the new /etc/zm.conf.
Now the computer seems to work with less load than it use to on version 1.22.2.

Thanks for your help.

Re: Upgrade instructions for ZMLiveCD from 1.22.2 to 1.22.3

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 3:56 pm
by jonathanbrickman0000
Ternitzer wrote:It took me a little while to figure it out, so I figured I post it in case anyone else needs it.

1. Log into your ZM computer
2. su to root (type su, press ENTER, provide password: qwerty by default)
3. type: wget ... k.i586.rpm
+ ENTER to get latest Mandriva rpm
4. type: rpm -U zm-1.22.3-4_20060mdk.i586.rpm + ENTER
5. type: service zm start + ENTER

Thats it! When you log back into your ZM console you'll be running the latest version and you should still have all of your saved events.
God bless you, sir :) It worked perfectly :-) :-)