ViewMAX Deployment
Imaged System hardware:
SIS661 Chipset w/ Intel Celeron 2.53GHz LGA775 Processor, 1GB of System Memory, 3ware Drive Array chassis and 4 Port SATA RAID adapter, 3 SATA Seagate 200GB drives in a raid 5, 1 PATA Seagate 40GB drive for the system, ProVideo PV-155 16-port BT878a based CCTV capture card.
Built on Ubuntu LTS 6.06 Server AMD64/x86_64 Architecture (these images WILL NOT WORK ON NON x86_64 system!!!!!)
1. Create drive array in the 3ware BIOS. Configure as RAID5 utilizing all drives attached to the controller. Press F8.
2. Boot from System Rescue CD. Create the following parition scheme:
Partition Table
Device Mount Type FS Size
/dev/hda1 /boot Primary ext3 100MB
/dev/hda2 / Primary ext3 the rest
/dev/hda3 n/a Extended n/a 4GB
/dev/hda5 n/a Logical Swap 2GB
/dev/hda6 n/a Logical Swap 2GB
/dev/sda1 /opt/viewmax Primary XFS 100%
3. Use partimage to extract hda1.img and hda2.img to the appropriate partitions. Follow the instructions on screen, partimage is very straight forward. You will either need the images available locally or you will need them located on a PartImaged server on the network. I generally setup a PartImaged server on my laptop or use an external USB drive which contains the images. After the images are all done create a new file system on /dev/sda1, format to the XFS file system (note, due to the volume size and the constant write nature of the DVR XFS or JFS are required, do not try to use EXT3).
4. Reboot the system using an Ubuntu or other AMD64(x86_64) LiveCD (the x86_64/amd64 part is an absolute requirement otherwise chroot will not work). Boot to a command prompt and make sure you are root. If you end up on a desktop hit CTRL+BACKSPACE+F12 followed by ALT+F1. This will place you in tty1, login (as root) if required by the distribution, if you are automatically logged in then 'sudo su' to become root.
5. The following steps must be completed in EXACT ORDER, check your spelling carefully before execution of any commands, read this section through completely FIRST make sure you understand it, and then proceed. Everything between the ' should be typed exactly as presented! After the second ' you should press enter. The prompt is represent by # for BASH, and grub> for the grub shell. example: #'echo "I read the directions, because I am cool like that"'
a. #'mkdir /target'
b. #'mount /dev/hda2 /target'
c. #'mount /dev/hda1 /target/boot'
d. #'mount --bind /dev /target/dev'
e. #'mount --bind /proc /target/proc'
f. #'mount /dev/sda1 /target/opt/viewmax'
g. #'chroot /target'
You are now using the ViewMAX file system as your root environment, all commands executed here on out will potentially have a permanent effect on the installation.
h. #'cd /home/intelio/viewmax'
This should place you in /opt/viewmax unless the symlink is broken. You will need to copy the file opt_viewmax.tar.bz2 to this directory, I generally copy it over the network via FTP, HTTP or you can use a removeable disk.
i. #'tar xjfv opt_viewmax.tar.bz2 && rm opt_viewmax.tar.bz2'
You now have a complete ViewMAX installation, however we still need to make this new system's filesystem bootable. If you stop now the system will not be able to reboot.
j. #'grub'
You are now inside the GRUB shell... these are simple but important steps, this will write the grub boot configuration to the master boot record of the system hard drive.
k. grub>'root (hd0,0)'
l. grub>'setup (hd0)'
m. grub>'quit'
You are now back in your root BASH shell and the MBR is prepared for booting, simple eh? Just a couple more steps left.
n. #'rcconf'
In the dialog screen that pops up verify that ViewMAX, mysql, and apache are NOT set to start, if they appear at the bottom of the list with no * next them you are ok. If they are set to start highlight them and press the space key. Exit this utility when you are done.
o. #'vi /etc/fstab'
You will need to uncomment the fstab entry for /dev/sda1, save and exit this file. DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING ELSE.
p. #'shutdown -h now'
6. The system goes down, you should see the ViewMAX shutdown screen at this point. Make sure to get you boot cd out of the system. After it's all powered off, power it back on and let it boot from the hard drive, you should get the ViewMAX startup screen and then a login prompt. Login as 'intelio' password is set to 'at3carwash' There is no root user password, root is not permited to login even locally. At this point you need to sudo su, copy the vpn keys for this specific system to /etc/openvpn and extract them, make sure they are in /etc/openvpn and not a subdirectory. Next check that /opt/viewmax contains files. If it does not then /dev/sda1 is likely not mounted, check fstab... You will need to run 'rcconf' again, and enable Apache, ViewMAX and MySQL. Reboot with "shutdown -r now" and when it comes up all should work. Stop right here and shut the system down. Do not make any further changes to the system, configuration of the cameras needs to happen onsite with the cameras attached, the system is preconfigured with 16 cameras, all disabled. Once onsite simply enabled the correct number of cameras. The default user/pass for the ViewMAX web interface is intelio/wa54max, the default administrator for the 3ware array utility is the same as the intelio ViewMAX password. You can hit the 3ware array interface ONLY once the dvr has established a vpn connection to the Intelio network by going to it's VPN address on port 888, example:
You can also reach the DVR via SSH on this address, the only service which is available through the sites public ip address is the ViewMAX Web interface, this is by design, port forwarding external traffic to the 3ware utility is highly ill advised.
It's still a rough outline, but if you follow the above to the letter you will end up with a working system (baring hardware failure).