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Distorted image, KMC 8800, modprobe 102 and zm live cd

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 3:21 pm
by Supra Dave

I've booted my machine today with the newly arrived KMC 8800 from HongKong :P (Instead of 2 perfectly working Avermedia EZ Gold cards) .. I've read the wiki about;

Code: Select all

su root
password: qwerty
modprobe bttv gbuffers=16 card=102,102,102,102,102,102,102,102
service zm restart
Still a distorted image.

Has the command modprobe parameters no effect in a live CD environment (zm 1.22.2)? I don't want to install to a harddisk -yet-, just because of one config line. :roll:

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 4:11 pm
by Supra Dave
Hhmm dmesg says card=0 (generic/not found)...

rmmod bttv seems to do the job but it can't be unloaded because bt878 is in use. Sigh... When I try to rmmod bt878 the device is busy ... (With what :shock: )

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 12:29 am
by StephenOz
If you have not stopped zoneminder (you can via web interface) the bt878 driver will be busy, stop it first then you are able to remove the drivers.

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 12:01 pm
by Supra Dave
I stopped zmc first but still was unable to deactive the bt878 driver (rmmod bt878?)

But I installed the LiveCD to harddisk yesterday and everything is working fine now (changed modprobe.conf). I got segmentation faults and device is busy and that sort of things, did Google searches and gave up. Would be nice to know how to deactivate it for testing purposes but I still have two Avermedia cards working right out of the box so I can use those for testing purposes if I want :roll:

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 7:34 pm
by StephenOz
I was pretty much trying things yesterday for the 1st time and had the same bt878 in use message but I just stopped it via web interface and it then removed ok.

I spent a long time and finally gave up, end result is the A7N266-VM motherboard is rubbish (AMD 2400+ cpu). Two distros fail to boot/install on it and the one that did had heaps of problems with the capturing. The good old intel PIII 866Mhz went heaps better.