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Register Views or Cameras with Asterisk PBX

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 2:32 pm
by bstanley
Im using video phones and asterisk... Im looking to take a regular IP camera, like an Axis or Sony security cam, and have some middleware like zoneminder register a view for the camera in asterisk, such taht a user could dial the registered extension from a video phone and get oneway vi9deo from the camera.. possibly even use two way audio to hear and talk back through a speaker attached to the camera...

Is this within the realm of possibility for a program like zoneminder?

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 8:52 pm
by cordel
That would require calibration between ZM and Asterisk and programming in both. Personally I don't have the equipment to be able to test such a setup and second I use openpbx these days as they are on the correct track for GPL. I should be possible but require alot of coding in asterisk. I have to have one of those phones to even try.