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Monitoring remote cameras with very very slow bandwidth

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 4:10 am
by cvinh

I am trying to monitor remote cameras which are on a remote network (with a so slow bandwidth <64k that I cannot use the ZM integrated motion detection)
The only solution I've found is to use IP cams with integrated motion detection and which are able to upload event files by FTP on the ZM server.
So now I'm trying to integrated such files into the ZM system.

Instinctively, I would setup a monitor with a Source Type = File but I guess there should be some adaptation for this to work with several files which are identified for example by a timestamp and a sequence number in the file name (07-03-01-17-50-00-01-image.jpg)

Any experience of such a case ?


Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 5:24 pm
by zoneminder
I think you would need to write a custom mediator script that took the uploaded images and moved then into the expected locations. It should be fairly simple to do.