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Remote Data Access like (soap,rpc-xml,ajax,xhttprequest)

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 5:20 pm
by AlienTesticle
Has there been any thoughts on an access method like SOAP, RPC-XML, XHTTPREQUEST, so that ajax style web access could be done or building a client side application. This would remove the requirement of having to connect directly with the database and would allow the use of any database on the zoneminder side.

It is something that I am considering along with firebird/postgresql support and leveraging their strengths with stored procedures, views, etc.

This would allow changing the backend more without having the mess with the frontend so often (I would hope) with a layer like that.

What are other peoples opinions? Or should something like this be in the wiki?

p.s. I love the zoneminder project and can see it only improving and I hope I can stay focused so I can contribute.

Terrific Idea...

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 1:11 pm
by timgman
Although ajax seems to bee young and developing some of the apps that are being developed are amazing......

yay to this one....

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 8:02 pm
by zoneminder
I have developed some experimental Ajax interfaces to the web side of ZM. Mostly just status polling and stuff like that at the moment but I think it will probably grow.