zmu reports Aborted no matter which option supplied

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zmu reports Aborted no matter which option supplied

Post by rakhbari »


First let me congratulate you on creating ZoneMinder. It's an excellent and very useful piece of software. In fact I've already made a donation to the project. Barring a minor MySQL syntax issue which I fixed, I built and installed it with relative ease. I've got monitors defined for 2 remote cameras and zmc is churning away at them analyzing frames, raising events and recording them to HD beautifully. I can view the monitors from the /zm apache web page and all functions seem to be working normally.

Now I need to accomplish what I really got ZM for, and that's integrating it into my own web page. I'm trying to use zmu just to see how I can interact with the command line stuff and all I get from it is "Aborted". :(

I've turned on the "authenticate" mode in the ZM options UI, so I'm assuming that I have to provide the credentials to zmu:

Code: Select all

$ /usr/local/bin/zmu -U admin -P xxxxxx -l
Obviously the "xxxxxx" is my admin pass for ZM. What I get is "Aborted". No matter what I try on that command line I always get the Aborted message. I really don't get it when everything else seems to be working just fine.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Post by cordel »

You would have found a Patch for the sql problem in the patchs section of the wiki.
Since you provide no background of your system, how you installed ZM, or how you defined your monitors. How ever, I would expect that either you are running zmu query without proper permisions (try su or sudo) are your monitors could be set incorrectly. Beyond that we need more background as discribed here.
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Joined: Thu Jul 26, 2007 6:07 pm
Location: Mountain View, CA - U.S.A.

That's twice for one day!

Post by rakhbari »

Oh man, once again... stupid me! :oops: Of course, it was a permission problem. I was running as my own user and the entire ZM system is operating under the machine's apache user. My user is in the sudoers file so using sudo in front of the same command did the trick.

I now get:

Code: Select all

Id Func State TrgState    LastImgTim RdIdx WrIdx LastEvt FrmRate
   1    2     0        0 1185489135.90    -1    11     936   40.00
   2    3     0        0 1185489135.29    28    28       0   20.00
Thank you once again! :D


PS: I followed the configure/build/install steps to the "T" as per the README to be sure I don't go astray somewhere. And I must've missed the MySQL patch, I'll check it out. Thanks.